We are a company that focuses on our clients and their needs. We stand out for our experience, technical capacity and infrastructure. We offer quality goods and services with ample guarantee at competitive prices.

Located in Bogota near the Dorado International Airport.

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In our corporate training center we provide specialized training for the industry. Additionally, we provide specialized instruction to flight and aeronautical maintenance personnel.

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We repair specialized electronic equipment. We have modern design, diagnostic and repair equipment. We are at the forefront in Latin America in the manufacture of flight simulators and repair of aeronautical military equipment.

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We are specialists in aircraft maintenance and inspection and inspection service. We are also specialized training and training.

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CIMA SAS offers accredited calibration services under international standards ISO/IEC17025. We provide complete solutions to the needs of our customers, contributing to the development of the region. We provide services to Latin America through the Bogota Free Trade Zone.

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We have been supporting the oil & gas, food, power generation, cement and agro-industrial industries for more than 20 years, performing general maintenance of equipment and specialized inspections for both national and Latin American industries.

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We are specialists in aircraft maintenance and inspection services. We are also specialized training and education.

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¡Hola! Bienvenido a CIMA SAS, tu socio en mantenimiento para los sectores petrolero, industrial y aeronáutico.
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Equipment calibration


At CIMA S.A.S. we have ONAC accreditation valid to date, with accreditation code 13-LAC-027 under the ISO/IEC/17025:2017 standard. 



Manufacturing, maintenance (predictive, corrective and preventive). Risk based inspection and mechanical integrity.

Aeronautical Services

We are TAR with CDF 111 and aeronautical training school with CCI#085 approved by Aerocivil, for more than 20 years we have performed specialized maintenance.


Mantenimiento & Desarrollo


Repair and overhaull of highly complex electronic equipment. Manufacture of flight simulators type “Procedure training Device”.


We have modern training centers. We specialize in providing practical training with state-of-the-art equipment.

Industrial Maintenance

Fabrication and maintenance of fuel complexes, power plants, pumping systems, fire fighting systems, workshop equipment and etaa equipment.


We have provided solutions to more than 2,000 companies in various industrial sectors, an achievement we have reached this year.


Hasta la fecha, se han gestionado 50,000 órdenes de servicio en este 2024.

Internationally, we have carried out more than 20 operations, while domestically the figure exceeds 2,000 operations in 2024.

Our certifications

We are proud to have a solid set of certifications that validate our commitment to excellence and quality in each of our services. In our laboratories, we operate a quality management system that ensures the reliability of our tests and calibrations. In addition, we offer specialized Category 1 repairs, guaranteeing accurate and high quality solutions for all our customers' needs.

“En CIMA SAS contamos con acreditación ONAC, vigente a la fecha con código de acreditación 13-Lac-027 bajo la norma    ISO-17025″.


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Fabricación e instalación de cubiertas.

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Fabricación y Modernización de Simuladores de vuelo

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Simulador de vuelo en la W Radio

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CENAM, Centro Nacional de Metrología – México

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Visita jefe de instrucción, GTA España a las instalaciones de la compañía.

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